Love Evangelistic


And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: and to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Mark 12:32‭-‬33 KJV

So I have found out that whenever I try to think that maybe there is one human being on this earth who could possibly love like God, I always come back to the fact that no there is not! There is no man or woman who can love us the way God does. However we can strive to get as close as possible to that reality thanks to the Holy Spirit who lives in us if we are born again. Don’t get me wrong there is no way we can even try to love people like God does if we do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord and do not have a personal relationship with Him. Some of you may be thinking what is Esther talking about now! Well I would not be saying it if I did not believe it and had not had any personal experiences. First of all this is what the Bible says and also the moment I gave my life to Jesus, I felt immediately the presence of the Holy Spirit, it came upon me like a smoothing river of water and I was “inondated” with peace. Hallelujah!

Now let’s come back to that love I have been talking about. See I have come to the conclusion that the  reason I had been so much disappointed in people before is because I have experienced the supernatural love of God in such a mighty way and exceptional way that I kind of was expectant to receive such love ( to a certain degree) from   people. But hello, Esther wake up! Jesus tells us  in John chapter from verse 3, “unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God, unless a man is born of the Spirit and of water, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.”

Guys let’s face it and say it if a man or woman is not changed from inside out by the Spirit of God they cannot think or behave like God. So the only way to fathom the depth of God kind of Love is to make acquaintance with Jesus and receive Him and then receive His Holy Spirit in our lives. Romans 5:5 tells us that “the Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us “, meaning that it is the Holy Spirit who opens our eyes to have the revelation of the Love of God. Once we begin to understand the Love of God we tend to be more understanding and forgiving towards people and in the process our hearts begin to change for the better. Praise God.

I have found myself at some point very lonely though I had people around me, I still felt very isolated and lonely, it was at that junction that I realised that indeed Jesus is the only one who was there for me, He was the only one who truly cared for me and had my best interests at heart. All other human beings had failed me in various ways and manners but Jesus was there and has been there to love me without any strings attached, no agenda, praise God.

Anyways guys I shared this just to encourage those among you who right now feel like they are alone and misunderstood and who feel let down by the very people they thought cared and loved them. Hear me up, you are not alone, there  is a Friend waiting for you to invite Him in your heart, receive Him today as your Lord and Saviour and Special Confident, He will never ever disappoint you, He is Love, Joy, Peace. The thing is He will not force Himself on you, He is a Gentleman, all He needs is your invitation and your permission to enter your life. If you want to make that decision now just repeat the following simple prayer “Lord Jesus I believe you shed Your blood and died for me on the Cross and you were raised to life to give me a new life, come into my life now and make me a new person, fill me with Your Holy Spirit in Jesus’s Name.”

If you have said this prayer honestly,  you are now born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I can assure you that you will from today begin to discover the unconditional, sweet Love of God, Hallelujah.  Congratulations, you now need to be established in a Bible believing Church and have fellowship with other people who believe the same things you believe in and who will help you grow in your faith.

Remember Jesus loves you with an everlasting lasting love
















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