Love Evangelistic


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV

It is because of the love that God has for the people that He sent His own Son to die a horrible death on the cross so that we would not perish but have everlasting life.

Now it amazes me how the Enemy can blindfold people about this truth. People these days more than ever in history think that they are doing a favour to God if they even think He exists, can you imagine?

If only eyes could be spiritually opened to see the invisible! People think Christianity is only a mere religious belief, something people want to believe so they would feel better about their lives on this earth and have a hope in Eternity. Well actually Christianity gives hope and is even more than a mere hope, it is reality.

Christianity is Spirituality, it is very interesting if we open our heart to understand the massive sacrifice God did through His Son. Many years ago I read a tiny book that I bought second hand about God and the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. When I finished reading the pages of that book, I was so overwhelmed, I was just sobbing . What, could God love so much the world that He came under the form of the humans he created so he can suffer once and for all for their sins and redeem them from eternal damnation and He did all that  “incognito ” if I may call it like that? Yes Jesus on earth was man and God. Now I know those who don’t believe the Bible will argue that but all the same I could only defend what I believe is the truth.

Anyway people I could go on for pages talking about this but let me just say this: the reason why I am so passionate about the Love of God is because the day I prayed the prayer of salvation for the first ever time of my life, I got the revelation of the Love of God,  I mean it was just so dramatic and real, I saw it, I felt it, I experienced the most sweetest atmosphere ever in just an instant after calling on Jesus to become my Lord and Saviour. What do I mean by that? Well just like Bible says, if we confess Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.

{that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.}
Ro 10:9 NKJV

So my Friend if you want to experience that unconditional love of God it’s very simple you just need to make Jesus your Lord and Saviour by inviting Him to come into your heart.

A simple prayer like that: Lord Jesus I confess  you are my Saviour and Lord and I believe God raised you from Dead, come into my life, give me a new beginning in Jesus’s Name.

Well if you said the above prayer with sincerity then I believe you are now a new creation, old things of your life are passed away and everything is now  new.

Congratulations. You now need to find a bible believing Church where you will be able to grow in your faith with other believers like you.

Lovingly in Jesus’s Name






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